






这部BBC神剧以圣诞特别篇的方式被搬上大银幕,预计将于2016年1月4日在中国大陆上映。由于电影名字定为《神探夏洛特:可恶的新娘(The Abominable Bride)》,很多人推测是本片是受到《马斯格雷夫礼典》故事的启发,因为影片名字中所谓的“可恶的新娘(The Abominable Bride)”是《马斯格雷夫礼典》故事中的一个重要人物。



“I have said that the house is a rambling one. One day last week — on Thursday night, to be more exact — I found that I could not sleep, having foolishly taken a cup of strong café noir after my dinner. ”


“After struggling against it until two in the morning, I felt that it was quite hopeless, so I rose and lit the candle with the intention of continuing a novel which I was reading. The book, however, had been left in the billiard-room, so I pulled on my dressing-gown and started off to get it.”


“You can imagine my surprise when, as I looked down this corridor, I saw a glimmer of light coming from the open door of the library.”


“Brunton, the butler, was in the library. He was sitting, fully dressed, in an easy-chair, with a slip of paper which looked like a map upon his knee, and his forehead sunk forward upon his hand in deep thought.”


“I stood dumb with astonishment, watching him from the darkness. A small taper on the edge of the table shed a feeble light which sufficed to show me that he was fully dressed.”


“My indignation at this calm examination of our family documents overcame me so far that I took a step forward, and Brunton, looking up, saw me standing in the doorway. He sprang to his feet, his face turned livid with fear, and he thrust into his breast the chart-like paper which he had been originally studying.”


“So!” said I. “This is how you repay the trust which we have reposed in you. You will leave my service tomorrow.”

“我说:‘好哇!你就这样报答我们对你的信任。明天你就离职辞行吧。’ ”

“He bowed with the look of a man who is utterly crushed, and slunk past me without a word. The taper was still on the table, and by its light I glanced to see what the paper was which Brunton had taken from the bureau.”


“To my surprise it was nothing of any importance at all, but simply a copy of the questions and answers in the singular old observance called the Musgrave Ritual.”

“出乎我的意料,那文件根本无关紧要,只是一份奇异的古老仪式中的问答词抄件而已。这种仪式叫 ‘马斯格雷夫礼典’。”

“It美剧小站 is a sort of ceremony peculiar to our family, which each Musgrave for centuries past has gone through on his coming of age - a thing of private interest, and perhaps of some little importance to the archaeologist, like our own blazoning and charges, but of no practical use whatever.”


“We had better come back to the paper afterwards,” said I.

“我们最好还是回头再谈那份文件的事吧,” 我说道。 

“I have copy of the questions and answers here if you care to run your eye over them.”


“He handed me the very paper which I have here, Watson, and this is the strange catechism to which each Musgrave had to submit when he came to man’s estate. I will read you the questions and answers as they stand.”


“Whose was it?”  


“His who is gone.”


“Who shall have it?”


“He who will come.”


“Where was the sun?”


“Over the oak.”


“Where was the shadow?”


“Under the elm.”


“How was it stepped?”


“North by ten and by ten, east by five and by five, south by two and by two, west by one and by one, and so under.”  


“What shall we give for it?”


“All that is ours.”


“Why should we give it?”


“For the sake of the trust.”


“The original has no date, but is in the spelling of the middle of the seventeenth century,” remarked Musgrave, “I am afraid, however, that it can be of little help to you in solving this mystery.”

“‘原件没有署日期,但是,文字用的是十七纪纪中叶的拼写法。’马斯格雷夫说道, ‘不过,我怕这对你解决疑案没有多大帮助。’

“At least,” said I, “It gives us another mystery, and one which is even more interesting than the first.”

“‘至少,’我说道,’它给了我们另外一个不可解的谜,而且比原来的谜更有趣味。很可能是解了这个谜,也就解了那个谜。’ ”


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